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File "README.NOW" for the Drawing program MYDRAW, Version 1.06g
MYDRAW is a Shareware-Program (Shareware-Contribution DM 54,-),
created by
Helmut Neumann
Im Appensee 4
6100 Darmstadt-Wixhausen
With the Requirement, that at least the Files
MD.PRG (the Program MYDRAW)
MD.Rsc (the Resource for it)
README.NOW (this File)
Pixel.DAT (Correction file against Conflicts between VDI and Fonts)
are included in unchanged form, you may freely and distribute MYDRAW by
uploading it to bulletin boards and by other means. It is strictly prohibited
for third parties to charge for distribution of MYDRAW, include MYDRAW or any
of its components in commercially marketed programs, etc. MYDRAW may not be
included in pd disk collections that are distributed for a charge. Any exception
must have prior written approval of MYDRAW's author.
For the _multiple_ Use of MYDRAW in Working on business-owned Computers and in
High school or university-owned Computers More-Computer-Licenses are necessary.
The appropriate Conditions will by the Author on inquiry be furnished.
There» already has been a great deal (of) Work and Time invested in MYDRAW and
traditionally In commercial marketing extra Costs arise, most of which are not
justified by improved Performance. I have decided to market the Program as
shareware for which MYDRAW can be freely copied and tried out. however for
your regular Use the Shareware-Amount of DM 54,- is due me. When you pay your
shareware fee, I will send you a detailed user's manual.
<translator's note: the manual presumably will be written in German. You may
want to ask for the manual on disk, so you can translate it with GER2ENL.PRG.>
Above-named Amount is for Private use. Firms and High schools should write the
author for license fee pricing if installation on more than one workstation is
! !
! All existing Registrations for MYDRAW !
! license you to use this Version. !
! !
The Bank connection is:
Helmut Neumann
KTO. 3219453 bei Vereinsbank eG, Darmstadt-Arheilgen BLZ 508 601 04
Deutschland (Germany)
Instructions: Please be sure to note in the bank draft's comment field your
name and complete (including country) address*, and specify MYDRAW
1.06g (or the version number highlighted in the Info dialog box)
plus the displayed version date.
(*) to send you the user's manual
I am always interested in experience reports, especially in connection wwith
the print output. Please do not write only about discoverd bugs, but feel free
to suggest changes - and tell me what works well in this version and should not
be changed. Does the thin format help? Are scaling relationships correct on a
laser printer? If you want a reply, be sure to include a stamped (don't forget
this will be international postage, air mail), self-addressed envelope.
I am optomistic that users will pay their shareware fee, and have made the
entire working version of MYDRAW available in the hope that you are honest
enough to pay for what you use.
You may receive the newest version of MYDRAW by sending me a 720k formatted
disk along with an adequately stamped, self-addressed return envelope.
Applicability of MYDRAW for any tasks whatsoever cannot be guaranteed. The
author is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, resulting from the
use of MYDRAW. From use or misuse, the user must accept responsibility for
whatever results may occur.
Though MYDRAW uses and saves GEM-Metafiles, data-compatibility with other
programs cannot be guaranteed.
What is it?
MYDRAW is a Drawing program for the Atari and closes the Gap between the pixel-
oriented programs and the unhandy and most expensive CAD-Programs.
MYDRAW strives for easily adjustable Object pictures as well as the possibility
of distinguished and beautiful labeling, as you would need for printing folios
of a quality to be shown on large-scale overhead projection systems.
The second part of the above remains somewhat problematic, since GDOS does not
have freely adjustable point sizes (except by the crude expedient of doubling
or tripling pixels in horizontal and vertical axes), and the selection of fonts
for GDOS is pretty inadequate. (this is true at least for pd fonts)
Basically MYDRAW was planned as a GEMDRAW™-Clone, using on the Atari the
advantages of MSDOS-GEMDRAW™ (rotate Script, Umlaut, Object rotation, Search,
Delete of Object Groups). In the Course of the Work came then some additional
features, as for Example:
Reformat of Text (still skinny, but better than nothing)
(to Wish with Proper proportions) /* experimental */,
Dots and DELETE-Dots /* experimental */,
even of Freehand lines (Deep pass filtering),
up to to 4 Windows (next Window activates by ^W, tile ^T, side by side ^N),
Removal of Objects from inactive Windows, UNDO (of) the last Scaling,
or Polyedit,
in the Text mode is a change between the Text objects by means of Cursor-key
(left, right with SHIFT; up, down normal) possible.
Edit of rotated Text,
Twisting of Objects (without Text elements etc.) by a desired Angle
(although (still) not by Mouse control),
Magnetic snap (on "Hot-Spots" for Objects or Groups),
Selection of nonstandard Font sizes using a Dialog box (in addition to the
Standard sizes in the Menu) and a main Provided function.
Whoever already has used GEMDRAW™ on a PC should have no problem using MYDRAW.
(if you do, then in the Configure†-Menu switch off the Gripthrough and set the
Curve drawing method to 2 places.)
The Provided functions work differently than by the MYDRAW-Clone from DRI on
PC's, namely : 'Center' centers the selected Object in the widest active(!)
Object. Left-align aligns the selected Object with the left edge of the
leftmost active(!) Object, etc.; the vertical commands function in a like
Supplemental change of Qualities of the† graphic Elements result by Selecting
and Clicking in the appropriate Menu, therefore allows for the _Preliminary
choice_ of Configuration when no Object is selected.
The Small check marks in the Menu always show the prechosen Configuration that
is used during the New production of Elements, not the state of any selected
Picture elements.
You can use the entire prinable area of MYDRAW's drawing surface. Printable
area varies according to printer and/or driver, so you may need to test-print a
few pictures having drawing elements near the margins to find the actual
margins used by your printer/driver combination.
When MYDRAW reads in a Metafile from another program and it does not contain
complete Object definitions, MYDRAW substitutes the settings currently shown in
its menu bar. MYDRAW's default fill pattern is set to 'white', so that when a
Metafile without fill information from a plotter or vectorizer is loaded,
MYDRAW will not slow down adding a spurious fill pattern. That can still result
in a picture with hidden line segments, so it is recommended that you use a
fill pattern of 'none' for your default. Any unspecified fill files load using
a transparent fill.
The† Setup-Dialog can also be opened directly by using Alt-S. In this Dialog
the current Configuration can be saved in a File "MD.INF", then read in the
next time you start MYDRAW. Should you in future want MYDRAW to use its
default configuration, just delete "MD.INF". (The Save button in the
Configuration dialog writes the same file)
Display the default Rotation setting by Alt-R; Display information about the
entire drawing (provided no picture elements are active) by Alt-I.
The principle is: Dialogs with Alt-?; actions with Ctrl-?.
From version 1.06, if you make changes in ASSIGN.SYS concerning font number or
sequence, the Info file is deleted. It may be that in any case you have already
recompiled the menu entry for character sets.
When a Drawing already contains many Objects, Editing of Text objects becomes
too slow. Fastest redraw will be acheived by grouping all Objects that do not
underly the text.
End the input of a polygon side by pressing the _right_ mouse button. If you
are holding down the SHIFT key, the polygon will automatically be closed and
filled with your installed fill pattern. You can later manualy refine the
polygon's shape.
Supplemental "Edit" of Freehand Lines and Polygon sides is possible through the
Poly-Line-Editor (PLE). Open this mode by ^E, end this mode with ESCAPE.
(the PLE now can even UNDO)
All Object creation modes can be left by pressing ESCAPE. For Objects or Groups
of Objects, choose your operating 'tool' by clicking on the appropriate icon in
the toolbox located at the upper left of the screen
More detailed information is provided in the MYDRAW manual, which will be sent
to you upon registration.
Known Problems
Important Important Important:
The resident VDI deliver (at least on ST-Computer) uses a false value for the
Pixel size. To correct this, MYDRAW attempts to read the file PIXEL.DAT in the
program directory. When this file is present and it lists
(or other Value after the "=") these values are used to set the pixel value (in
micrometers) employed by the VDI. This is not necessary to achieve a correct
1:1 representation on your monitor, but is registered during the production of
the character sets that in ASSIGN.SYS are specified for your monitor. For the
monochrome monitor for Atari-specific fonts, the above value should be 280/280.
!Earlier Versions of MYDRAW have relied on the Value (of) the VDI
!to properly size the Text Objects. To edit drawings created with
!older MD Versions it is recommended that you delete or rename the
!PIXEL.DAT file or reconfigure it.
!the Text objects at«on(to)√near» the correct Value configure. Latter can
- - - - - - -
Using the Polyline editor in Connection with filled Polygons sometimes results
in parts of the areas not being deleted or not drawn. It is recommended that
you switch off display of the fills while editing - in any event, doing so
speeds up the redraws :-).
Also, even now in MYDRAW version 1.06g the program is not FSM-GDOS ready. Do
not blame me; there is no way to get FSM-GDOS in Germany at this time.
If you change the shadow offset default in the setup dialog, click on the
scrollbar to force a complete redraw.
As become you«MAN» it at go«work√run»?
MYDRAW works on the Atari-ST and TT in high Resolution and also is fully
compatible with Large screens. In Booting the Computer a GDOS such as
AMC-GDOS, which is available free of charge, must be loaded. To Print it is
necessary, that an available Printer driver be specified in the ASSIGN.SYS,
as well as for the characters sets to be used in the drawing to be present.
A hard disk is not required to use MYDRAW. You must from floppy disk merely be
sure that at the start of MYDRAW you have a disk in the drive that contains the
screen fonts, and that when you are ready to print that the disk in your floppy
drive agrees with the font path that AMC-GDOS is configured to use.
For correct appearance from the example files, you need the Character sets
Swiss (ATSSnn) and Dutch (ATTRnn) in point Sizes 10,12,18,24 as well as
Typewriter (ATTPNN) in 10 Point. These are included in the last Atari GDOS
character set distribution.
Printout of Drawings can be done on all Printer types that you have an
appropriate device driver and character sets for.
A problem can arise when the printer uses different resolutions in the
vertical and horizontal planes (like the FX-80). Then different fonts must be
used. The GDOS documentation unfortunately is unclear on whether or how the
user must enter these in the ASSIGN.SYS configuration file. Drawings done on a
high-resolution monitor, if they contain solely graphic Objects and no text,
will not have this problem.
Bug reports, suggestions for improvements/enhancements are - even from
non-registered users - welcome at any time.
Helmut E. Neumann, March 1992
My address is also displayed in the program.
I plan further development of MYDRAW in the future, provided that suffficient
interest is demonstrated by user registrations and shareware contributions:
- Adaptation to FSM-GDOS: Use Vector fonts; this will make rotated text
Objects and grouped Objects containing text possible.
- Bezier curves with adjustable Control points.
- Interpretation of Control commands by the ASCII-Import
(e.g. for Font choice, Size etc. )
- Load into and graphics Representation from Tables (???)
- Possible variations for the Parameters (of) the Smoothing process
GEMDRAW is probably Trademark (or similar) of the
Firm Digital Research.
MS-DOS of Microsoft, etc. etc.
changes since 1.05:
1.05a small little improvement, Metafiles begin to shrink but not enough
(go still further)
DIN A4 Misprint is repaired.
1.06: Metafiles should now be compressed to their normal degree.
The Metafiles contain now also for the Expansion a reasonable
(Full screen)value, thereby not appearing in TeX- usage (CS-TeX)
in the corner of a page.
All installed Fonts can be loaded (assuming differing ID's).
The Usage (of) the Character set menus is freely selectable.
Redraw has been accelerated.
Correcting Pixel size by means of File Pixel.DAT; thereby is
even the Import/Export of PC-Files with Text elements improved.
Improved Object recognition by the Reading of Metafiles that
contain only Graphic information.
Clipboard-Cut, -Copy & -Paste for META- and Text files.
1.06a: Only the† actual(ly) used Area is registered in the header. An MD
drawing no longer unconditionally takes up a whole page in CS-TeX.
When MYDRAW is registered as a GEM application, it can be started
by double-clicking on a drawing file that is located in the same
folder as MD.PRG is.
1.06g: Clipboard becomes if necessary on C: opened (when C: is available).
MYDRAW can "Block" save selected Objects and merge Files in the
active Window. The† Font choice dialog now has Font-Preview with
Size and Attribute switching and menu Choice by comes automatically
(without SHIFT), when no Object is selected. The Object handles
become now also out (of) the Frames considered. The Handles in the
Midpoint of the sides now serve one dimensional Scaling.
If you choose "Ellipse" in the† Toolbox, you can force production of
circles by holding don the SHIFT key.
<Tips from the translator:
To "Gripthrough" and select an object that is completely under another object,
hold down the Ctrl key while mouse-clicking on the underlying object.
Try Ctrl and Alt with all of the alphabetic keys - this doc gives only a
partial listing of the useful keyboard access combinations.
If you have FSM-GDOS, try it with MYDRAW. I haven't tried to print with FSM,
but it seems to work OK onscreen.>
<English translation of this document and of the German titles, messages, etc.
in MD.PRG and MD.RSC is by Mike Valent (GEnie address A.VALENT). While I have
tested the accuracy of my translation by using the program, I cannot guarantee
that all of the translation is completely accurate. If you find MYDRAW useful I
urge you to send the author his shareware fee, and suggest (with the fee) that
he consider furnishing new versions, and a manual, in English.>